The beginning of something cool.
We are planning to launch the first box at the end of January. In the first 2 months the aim is to understand the demand and find the best channels to sell in Estonia and Lithuania.
Sharing info in local artist communities, sending out promo Boxes to IG influencers and shaping this product to be the best available on it's market is in our to-do list.
By supporting this Box as soon as you can - we can create more marketing materials and promote it even better.
The plan of Box themes in 2021:
Water soluble graphite & watercolor pencils, small brush
Watercolors (bricks, liquid) & masking tape, watercolor brush
Water-based markers
+papers (or a paper cup to draw on)
Soft pastels
+tinted paper (or black)
Acrylic paint for making colorful backgrounds + markers
Charcoal, charcoal pencils + white media
+tinted papers
Alcohol-based markers + blender
Sanguine, sepia crayons and pencils
Inks (Inktober with nude themed promps)
Oil pastels +blending tool
Three different ways how we both can make the most of this cooperation.
Sponsorship plan #1 per month
Simple and effective for the introduction of your product
What you get:
Social media posts
1 post - description and review about your product on Drink and Draw Box FB and IG (FB page isn't published yet but we are working on it)
Description in the Box
There will be a printed art supply menu in each box we send out. Earnest description and informal commentary will be written to introduce these products.
5 photos of your product being used
We will send you a variety of high-quality photos for use on any platform. In exchange - please tag in our community and the Box social media profiles.
What we need:
Your product
For the first cooperation, we would need your product to be delivered to Latvia. We will make sure of testing, making visuals and putting it inside the first Box. The quantity of product will be discussed in direct communication.
In addition - info about the product
Is this product is available in Latvia/Baltic states? Is there any additional important info that you would like to promote?
Stickers? Samples?
Our community loves stickers. Therefore you are welcome to add some of yours to the Box. Maybe you have other small samples of a different product? We love surprises. (Don't you?)
Sponsorship plan #2 per month
Step up for the bolder decision
What you get:
Social media posts + FB/IG stories
2 posts - description and review about your product on Drink and Draw Box FB and IG + 1 post on our community FB page
Description in the Box
There will be a printed art supply menu in each box we send out. Earnest description and informal commentary will be written to introduce these products.
8 photos of your product being used
Not only 5 but 8. We will send you a variety of high-quality photos for use on any platform. In exchange - please tag in our community and the Box social media profiles.
What we need:
Your product
For the first cooperation, we would need your product to be delivered to Latvia. We will make sure of testing, making visuals and putting it inside the first Box. The quantity of product will be discussed in direct communication. Plus 10 items so we could send these promotional Boxes to IG influencers.
In addition - info about the product
Yes, yes - is there anything you want to tell us? The same thing as the #1 plan.
Stickers? Samples? Random bonus?
Can you add some samples or bonuses to add as surprises in our Box? Our aim for the future is to make a BONUS section in each box so people can feel like it's Christmas every month.
Sponsorship plan #3 per month
An Exclusive possibility to make your own Box
What you get:
Social media posts + FB/IG stories
2 posts - description and review about your product on Drink and Draw Box FB and IG + 2 post on our community FB page
Description in the Box
There will be a printed art supply menu in each box we send out. Earnest description and informal commentary will be written to introduce these products.
10 photos and a video of your product being used
Photos AND a video! We need to test it all. And we will make some beautiful visuals of everything you will send to us. In exchange - please tag in our community and the Box social media profiles.
What we need:
Your products to make the full Box
The full experience of your products only. We would love to test and explore the full combo of your art supplies and additional materials for the whole month.
In addition - info about the product
Yes, yes - is there anything you want to tell us? The same thing as the previous plans. Plus - your promo video or tutorial on our webpage (available for only those who have purchased the box).
Stickers? Samples? Random bonus?
Surprises are always welcome. Maybe a personal post card from your company? Or a discount code for our audience? Your product with our logo on it? Any ideas are welcome!
We have two mutual laws accordingly.
#1: we tag you in everywhere we can. Can you do this for us, too?
#2: if we love the product personally, then we will tag you in our personal accounts. Check out
the Team section to get to know us better.

Sharing is caring.